Est. 2012 Tickled Blue Fresh. Creative. Fun


Springtime Photo Sessions-{Charleston sc family photographer}

An update on my availability!

2016 got off to a very busy start! January is usually a slower month, but this year I jumped right in the first weekend of the new year. I’m so thankful to be busy! I’ve booked many of my open dates for the coming months as well and wanted to do this update for those who have been wanting a session with me but have yet to book. The spring flowers will be in bloom soon and you won’t want to miss those popping up in a few  of your photos!

January: Vday Minis on Sunday, 1/31! Also some availability that evening for a family or milestone session outdoors.

February: I have lots of babies due this month, but email me if you want a family or milestone session as I’m sure I can squeeze it in.

March: March 6th, 7th, & 14th! PRIME FLOWER TIME

April: All of my sundays are booked but I can possibly do a weekday family/milestone/newborn STILL PRIME FLOWER TIME!

No spring beach minis this year!

May: 1st, 15th, 29th. Possible Saturdays as well.

That’s it through May!

Also on Friday Mornings, I am doing milestone/mom & me/sibling sessions in studio.

January is halfway gone and I know Feb-May will fly as they always do. Get on my schedule before I have to say no! I never overbook myself b/c I have 2 little ones who need me more.

Here’s a peek at a recent sibling session with these 2 brothers…


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