Est. 2012 Tickled Blue Fresh. Creative. Fun


Turning One -{charleston baby photographer}

Met this duo down at the beach for a milestone session. It wasn’t supposed to be mom and baby, but when her only smiles came from being held, you just roll with it. I love how it turned out. Tickled Blue_Charleston_sc_family_newborn_childrens_photographer_1043.jpg
Tickled Blue_Charleston_sc_family_newborn_childrens_photographer_1044.jpg

I went back to link to their recent family session and realized I never blogged it! Oops! So here’s a snippet:

Tickled Blue_Charleston_sc_family_newborn_childrens_photographer_1045

And then a look back at this sweet girls fresh and simple newborn session

It’s been a fun year and will miss this family as they move out of state.


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