When my sister visited Charleston with her family a few weeks ago, we went out to my favorite moss tree location and had a little photo session. There was lots of laughing, and some crying from her almost 2 year old, but we managed to get some great shots. I even snuck a few of the two of them and it made me realize I need to be doing this with all family sessions. At your next family session with Tickled Blue, be prepared for me to sneak you and your hubby off to the side for some of just the two of you. That is afterall where it all began!
Looking at these makes me realize how fast time is flying. It seems like AB, her oldest was just born and now her youngest is almost a year old. Thank goodness for photos like these to remember them at these ages.
Stacey, enjoy your slideshow and sneak peeks…even though you’ve already seen them all :)….